"Monday was polka dots - to remind them to spot good choices. Tuesday, Glasses Day, to keep a look out for leaders. Wednesday, Crazy Sock Day, a reminder to sock it to drugs... On Thursday, the kids will wear red to represent that they're strong in will power. On Friday, they all get to wear their favorite team jersey to "team up" against drugs."
The article from a local Lexington new station states how this week helps students to reach the career goals in the long run. By informing the students at a young age they hope help the kids make better decisions, by saying no drugs.
However, the article claims that the first time that individuals try it, referring to drugs, is around the age of 11 or 12 or even younger. Is this a flawed statistic? Where has this data come from? Who was the sample? It is important when reading articles about substances to understand who and why the statistics are stated. It is possible that this claim was made to make the prevention of drug use among youth seem like a bigger problem than it really is. By making it seem like a bigger problem it helps to justify the reason our tax money goes to support this week long celebration. It also gives parents and the community a sense of hope for the future of our kids.
Red Ribbon Week as a whole is a great week to education the younger generation on the harms and consequences of drugs. The earlier we inform the more hope we have for the future. Take the time out of you day to have a discussion with your kids, little cousins, brother or sisters, because substance abuse effects everyone around the person who is abusing. Remember that you don't have to wait until Red Ribbon Week 2012 to talk about this issue
For more information on the Lexington county school Red Ribbon celebrations visit this link.
This actually brought back alot of memories from elementary school. I remembered when we use to do this at my elementary school I went to, we didn't do as many fun activities but it makes alot of sense to start at an earlier age now to help kids learn how to say no to these drugs that could ruin their lives.