I looked at multiple articles on this toppic and the two I chose to blog about are Pregnancy and Addiction and The Endowment for Human Development. These articles are very sad to read and even think about especially since the amount of mothers who are pregnant that are addicted to different substances have doubled in the last five years.
To think about these newborns who basically already have the first few years of life planned out in hospitals, due to the fact that they will have withdrawls or death when they are born into this world are unfortunate events that could be prevented. Mothers don't realize that their addictions pass on to their little ones in their wombs and some don't even care. Some women are so addicted to drugs that having a child is not even relevant to their life. I was reading in an article the other day of a judge who had taken away 14 children from the same woman because she was so addicted to drugs she had no care in the world she was reproducing. Stories like these are so heart breaking but happen every single day.
There are multiple drugs that affect a fetus duing pregnancy,
To think about these newborns who basically already have the first few years of life planned out in hospitals, due to the fact that they will have withdrawls or death when they are born into this world are unfortunate events that could be prevented. Mothers don't realize that their addictions pass on to their little ones in their wombs and some don't even care. Some women are so addicted to drugs that having a child is not even relevant to their life. I was reading in an article the other day of a judge who had taken away 14 children from the same woman because she was so addicted to drugs she had no care in the world she was reproducing. Stories like these are so heart breaking but happen every single day.
There are multiple drugs that affect a fetus duing pregnancy,
1.Cocaine- causes the placenta to prematurely detach, growth defects in the unborn baby, and abnormalities in the intestines.
2.Methamphetamine- causes painful withdrawal symptoms; such as, sleeping difficulties, tremors, and feeding difficulties
3.Heroin- can cause unborn baby to be stillborn, prematurely born, low birth weight, bleeding in the brain, low blood sugar, and may die from SIDS(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
4.Prescription Medications- even if prescribed by a doctor baby can still have growth problems in the womb and may receive less oxygen, or could speed the babies heart rate up or down.
5.Alcohol- can cause lifelong disabilities that will affect the baby’s behavior, learning capabilities, physical makeup, and FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome).
These are just some of the affects babies can be born with while having addicted mothers. This was a very close topic to me because I currently have a good friend of mine who is actually getting help now because she is an addicted mother and only 3 months into the pregnancy. It is very sad to see something like this occur to women but very reoccuring. There has even been some states that women who are firm addicts be given government money to be sterilized, I don't believe that this is a good step forward because it feels as if it is taking away from a person's rights and just because they may be an addict now does not exactly say they will be one forever. So ask yourself would you want yourself or your loved ones to be forcibly sterilized?

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